T-SQL Tuesday #174: My Favorite Job Interview Question

Loved this question asked by Kevin Feasel for this month of T-SQL Tuesday, so here I am to write this post before this day ends. Please find the invitation here.

First, I would like to talk about my entire amazing interview process as a whole. It was multiple layers of interviews – Starting with my HR, my manager, and IT Director, interviews with all the DBA team members in sets of two per interview, and Cultural ad interviews with multiple teams focusing on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

By looking at the list, are you already stressed? I felt the same when I was sent an email from HR with this list of interviews scheduled but I can say this is one of the best interview processes I have seen in my entire career. I had a chance to talk to each of the members I potentially work with if I were the chosen one for the position. My team members all the way to my Director. I have never seen any interview with a Director for a database administration position. This has to do completely with the Culture of the company and a clear example of how each of the potential employees are valuable to them.

I really appreciate all the companies who take real care in interviewing the best candidates for the position.

Coming to the best interview question from the same company – An interview with DBA’s. They asked me how I could manage my work and community work at the same time and how I find time to do all the community work apart from my work. They asked me if I rest and take time for myself. To be very sincere, I became emotional when they asked me this question. They asked me about my emotional well-being. I was all prepared technically and was ready to answer technical questions and hearing this come from them (Who are Experts in the Database Administration field) melted my heart. I was not expecting this at all. We also had technical discussions and it was a great interview with each of the DBA team members.

At the end of this interview (which was the final interview round), I made sure I let the interviewers know how wonderful the interview process was and I appreciated them for giving me the best time ever. I also let them know that this interview process was the best in my entire career. To be very sincere, I was not making up the words to impress the interviewers. I had enough experience to find another job if I was not selected for the role but I sincerely wanted to appreciate the entire team and the company for giving me the best experience ever.

Best of the Best, I am currently working here ❤

Thanks to Kevin for asking us to write on this topic. Really appreciate it.

Looking forward to reading the posts from other SQL Family members.

Thanks for reading!

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