T-SQL Tuesday #169 – Hey You Wonderful, Patient Souls!

Thank you my dear Friend Kay Sauter for hosting the December month of T-SQL Tuesday. Here is the invitation. I believe this is the perfect way of saying thank you and Goodbye to the year 2023.

Let’s take a moment here. Seriously, stop scrolling for a second. Can we all collectively pat ourselves on the back for a second? I mean, seriously, YOU all deserve a medal or at least a virtual hug for hanging around and being the absolute best bunch of readers of this blog!

Out of all the other wonderful things around the world to watch for, out of all the other endless distractions we have in this social media world today starting with cute little kitten videos all the way to your favorite actor movies, possibilities are endless for the entertainment. Still, you decided to spend your time chilling here reading all my ramblings. Seriously, I am speechless! Thanks for your commitment and patience with me.

Thanks for even taking my emotional side of things. I am an emotional person and a part of me from that side of my personality should have shown up in some of my blog posts. Especially, when I sit in the night and put my thoughts in here. My thoughts are unfiltered. You have braved to see me from that angle as well. I mean, my Drama! Thanks for embracing the unpredictable side of me.


Thank you for being my best virtual friends, and for spending your time and attention! Thank you for being so patient with me as I compose and do the posts.

You are all my real MVP’s and these little bi(y)tes of dbanuggets wouldn’t be the same without you!

So, my awesome and amazing readers! Keep being yourself! Never ever let anyone dim your light! Cause, you are born to stand out!

Embrace this life, keep being fabulous, be curious, enjoy the little things in life, cry, scream, and laugh the life. There is nothing wrong with it. After all, we just have one life and we want to be authentic. Show the emotions instead of suppressing them. Tell people in your life you love them. Do not worry about making mistakes. There is nothing bad in being wrong. There is nothing wrong with it. Keep being YOU!!

Keep that Smile, it may brighten someone’s day!

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